Case Closed CIVIL ACTION - Erin Reid - Case Closed


Staff member
Jun 5, 2023
Username: Eyrii

Select the type of case you wish to file with the court:

Faviour Cree - eyrii

Connor Jenkins - exsertrook
Luke Stevenson - ryl_typhoon

I. Statement of Claim
On May 25, 2024, I myself Faviour Cree was taken hostage at gunpoint by two individuals at the Hawick Barber Shop. The two individuals while holding me at gunpoint ordered me into their vehicle, a Mustang GT, and took me to the Jewelry Store. At the Jewelry Store I was still held at gunpoint used as collateral towards the police. I was eventually saved by the officers at the scene.

My kidnappers were apprehended post robbery and kidnapping. From their arrest and reports obtained by officers their identities were Connor Jenkins and Luke Stevenson.

During and post incident I have suffered multiple mental issues related to the kidnapping. I have had struggles sleeping as I have multiple nightmares a night related to the incident. Post kidnapping incident I have a fear of barber shops, firearms and many others. These fears are making my daily life difficult to manage and has slowed down my daily attorney duties because of my lack of sleep and my impending fears as I traverse the city.

I have and am currently still attending therapy for these issues as well.

II. Relief
300 scratch tickets from both defendants in compensatory damages for mental suffering endured by myself Faviour Cree as a result of the Defendant's actions.

III. Representative
Faviour Cree

IV. Evidence
Incident Photos and Report obtained through subpoena

Therapy Notes by Dr. Cat Murphy June 3rd 2024

V. Witnesses
Officer Quintin Johnson

I'll be presiding on this case. I will notify the Defendants and get their Representative(s) directed here so we can begin scheduling/discovery.

The co-defendants have been made aware of this pending trial and have been instructed to provide their representative(s)'s information by June 13, 2024 at 11:00 pm CST.
@princesschlo195 Per my email - this is the case you're going to be working on. If you could, please let me know if you're representing both Defendants, or just Mr. Jenkins.
@princesschlo195 @Eyrii

Looks like we’ve secured representation for the defendants. We should be able to move on to scheduling. Could you both please provide availability for yourselves, your clients, and any witnesses.
Tuesday - Sunday any time after 8PM EST. I am free all of Mondays.
Rebuttal to dismissal:
@princesschlo195 @Eyrii

Thank you both for collecting your thoughts and presenting them here. I have reviewed the motion to dismiss as well as the rebuttal.

At this time, the court finds that there is a valid argument to be made regarding this case in civil court. As the Plaintiff pointed out in his rebuttal, the Defendants are not on trial regarding any criminal charges as those have already been prosecuted. If the Defense feels any testimony, evidence or arguments veer outside of the scope of this civil trial, they will be able to object accordingly. Furthermore, the Defense laid out some arguments rejecting the validity of the Plaintiffs claims - this is something that we can hear at trial and a judgement can be made.

The above Motion to Dismiss is denied and we should begin scheduling now.

Thank you!
Okay, not a ton of overlap in availabilities. As I myself am not available until after 11 pm BST (6 pm EST) on weekdays.

If either of you have any increased availability on a particular date let me know, otherwise I may need to see about bringing another judge in on this.

@Eyrii @princesschlo195
Okay, not a ton of overlap in availabilities. As I myself am not available until after 11 pm BST (6 pm EST) on weekdays.

If either of you have any increased availability on a particular date let me know, otherwise I may need to see about bringing another judge in on this.

@Eyrii @princesschlo195
Unfortunately one of my clients isn't very flexible so the availability for all of us is quite limited on this one
I'll try to work something out in my schedule. Might take a few days for me to get a definitive answer.
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Any possibility we can schedule this on a upcoming Monday? The first of July is difficult for me, but I am free for any time on any other Monday after that.
Unfortunately that won't work for me as I'm in Liberty on Mondays from 8 am to 5 pm CST. @Lunabelle666 Do you have any availability during the times above to potentially take on this case instead?